Understanding Health

Understanding health is about healing and hope. Health is a state of perfect equilibrium between mind, body and soul. Mind and state of mind has direct as well as indirect effect on the physical spelling.

Stress affects our mental health in a modern lifestyle. Failure to meet the expectations beyond our physical, social, and economic capacities and to achieve success in life; brings with it stress as well as feeling of non-containment.

The family system today without support from family members due to our departure from joint to nuclear families creates constant restless situation for everyone in a family unit. Adding to these are occupational and workplace pressures due to target oriented work culture without indefinite and long working hours. Every modern lifestyle action brings with it an array of lifestyle disorders like increased blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes functional and sexual impairment to the younger population.

Modern lifestyle has brought with it perks of fast, comfortable and luxurious living but at the same time it has mad our life mechanized with more and more simple works being done by machines. As a result there is less and less unitization of the various body system.

Our physical endurance is getting low due to use of machines. Resulting in low fatigue levels to tolerate even simple jobs. Our tolerance to physical activities is getting low day by day. Even a single extra mile of simple walk brings pain and fatigue. With low activity levels the heart and lungs have no much to do to meet the extra demand for various even recreational activity like playing so ultimately the efficiency of these vary vital organs also diminishes. Low calorie demand leads to low metabolism in the human system and living diminishes.

‘Movement is life’ should be the take home message to everyone.

Whatever we do results in non synchronized repetitive micro motion at the joints which enhances the wear and lowers the fatigue level and hence endurance and tolerance. This is simply achieved reversed by doing regular exercises which are synchronized activities.

Work is not exercises. Work leads to exertion where as exercises leads to enthusiasm.

What We Are

We believe positive health isn’t just a healthy body but also a positive outlook and a healthy zest for life!  Our philosophy is that good health requires a holistic approach involving not only our bodies, but the environment in which we live. A holistic lifestyle finds the balance in physical, emotional and spiritual well-being while holistic healing focuses on the whole person, going deep into the psyche, not just working on the symptoms

Positive health involves 3 important concepts: Balance, Harmony and Happiness.

The Holistic Healing helps you to achieve this balance and make it a reality. We help start you on your journey and guide you along the path to health and happiness.

The modern lifestyles are about untimely eating, unsuitable diets & above all stresses. These cause run-down feeling or even illness. Modern treatments may not be useful in these cases as they provide palliative, rather than curative treatments. The aim of alternate therapies is to emphasize the basic importance of maintaining one’s health. The idea is to focus on the enhancement of the health, rather than waiting for people to become ill and then applying expensive medical techniques in disease management.

The fundamental difference of Nature Cure with other systems is that the theory and practice are based on holistic view point whereas the modern approach is specific. Nature Cure does not believe in the specific cause of disease and its specific treatment but takes into account the totality of factors responsible for disease such as one's unnatural habits in living, thinking, working, sleeping, relaxing, sexual indulgence etc. and also considers the environmental factors involved which on the whole disturb the normal functioning of the body and lead it to a morbid, weak and toxic state. For treatment, it primarily stresses on correcting all the factors involved and allows the body to recover itself.

An alternative Holistic Medicine complemented by the best of Naturopathy and Ayurveda.

Naturopathy, perfect sciences of healthy living, is effective in treating all the human ailments specially psychosomatic and psychic diseases. Naturopathy is simple, safe, efficacious, highly cost effective and free from all side effects which may be linked with the modern medicine.

The underlying philosophy is that the living body is a part of Nature and made up of five basic elements viz. Space (Ether), Air, Fire, Water & Earth (includes food). Judicious use of these five elements and their balance in day to day life constitute healthy life and its promotion. Any imbalance in these elements result in accumulation of toxic matter in the system and it is viewed as disease


  • To provide free holistic healthcare to public at large.
  • To reduce human sufferings caused by diseases & medications.
  • Ensure health, wealth, peace & harmony in the society & promote living in unison with nature.
  • To promote a lifestyle of healthy living using organic & natural products.
  • To respect & love fellow human beings irrespective of caste, creed & social status.
  • To promote awareness on nature, the Creator & provide answers to the unanswered questions/rules set by our forefathers.
  • Provide peace of mind through spirituality & love.
  • Balanced Diet

    Regular exercises and sufficient rest will always keep you away from a doctor.