Paramount Medicare

Paramount Ganapati Medicare is a small initiative to provide healthcare services based on complete care with compassion and human touch.

It is in a infertile stage with big dreams, in which each member of society will be free of infirmity and diserly.

We want to devote all our efforts in providing cost effective services to the community.

PGM Team

  • 1. Dr. Vidya Sarvagod
  • 2. Dr. Shrikant Sarvagod
  • 3. Ms. Sheetal Bagayatkar

  • Services

    Holistic medicine functions gently, in harmony with the body, and with no side effects. It takes you into account as a whole person: your physical, mental and emotional condition as well as your social and physical environment.

    1. Reiki

    Reiki is pure energy that brings about deep relaxation and healing. Reiki is a form of  hands on healing energy, it is a simple, natural and safe method of healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Reiki aims to improve health by re-aligning and balancing the body, the mind and the chakra system. It can reduce stress, quiet the mind, relieve pains and aches, clear energy blocks and can improve your immune system through regular treatments. It also helps to increase your intuitive awareness.

    The benefits of Reiki

  • Highly relaxing, recharges your batteries.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Quietens the mind.
  • Reduces pains and aches.
  • Clears energy blockages.
  • 2. Chakra Balancing

    Chakra cleansing or sweeping clears out any ‘dirty’ or congested energy that have been picked up from others or created by our own unresolved thought forms, beliefs and emotions. Congested or ‘dirty’ energy restricts the flow of energy through your Chakras, Aura & Meridians which can cause blockages resulting in pain, illness, or unbalanced emotions (stress, anxiety, tension etc).

    The benefits of Chakra Balancing

  • Feel calmer and more peaceful.
  • Feel re-energised and lighter.
  • Feel emotionally and psychologically lighter.
  • Feel more motivated and mentally clearer.
  • Chakral alignment and Divine flow – Better able to manifest desires.